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Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Present:  Chairperson Marcia Lambert, Sam Fiore, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sandra Power, Maryanne Piechocki, Ellen Talkowsky  

Absent:  Amy Alpert, Beverly Moustakis, Secretary Judith Wolfe

Chairman Marcia Lambert called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Secretary's Report:  The minutes of the meeting of February 23rd were accepted with corrections.

Old Business:  

Clean Sweeps, May 1st  -  Ellen reported that the first announcement via post cards has been sent to 60 organizations.  She reviewed information about the other four activities that will take place on the Common and confirmed that wildflower seed packets will be given to 300 participants of clean sweeps.  A logo decision has yet to be made.  Contacts need to be made with suppliers/donators of pizza (Dominos and Engine House) and slushes  (Rita's).  A water dispenser rather than bottled water will be used.  Ellen has a DJ in mind.  She will check out the broom, shovel, dustpan, etc., supply.   Sam will supply ice and gloves from Home Depot.  Those of us who can will meet at Ellen's office on Friday, April 2nd, at 9 a.m., to  mail out packets to organizations.  

Our usual meeting on April 27th is moved to April 20th to allow more time for planning and action.

Plant Sale, May 15th  -  Ellen reported for Amy that Darlene of North Shore Fruit Basket has agreed to supply the annuals and some perennials.  Darlene has urged us to consider holding the sale on Sunday as well to catch the church goers.  She will take the flowers back on Saturday and return them on Sunday.  Concern was expressed about the perennials we are supplying and Ellen suggested putting the tables together with the plants underneath for the night.  Depending on the number of BCom members and outside volunteers we can get to assist at the sale, it is being considered.

Traffic Island program  -  Sandi reported that the MOU's are ready and the packets will be sent out when the cover letter is completed.  They will include a slightly changed fee schedule which allows sponsors to choose to have the City water and not maintain, or to maintain and not water.  Ellen will check with Rick Rennard regarding the progress of the island irrigation program.  Sam reports that Home Depot will plant mid-May and will enlarge the planted area to include the full length of the median strip.  Plans to add an above-ground planter were changed upon becoming aware that it would have to be hand watered.

Additionally, Sandi has drafted a letter from BCom to all who have volunteered in the past to bring them up to date on the plans for the coming year.  This will be polished and sent out early in April.

Artists Row  -  Mary Ellen will again spearhead the program to plant the barrels and clean up the small garden.  She will buy the plants and mulch at Gibney's or Northeast Nursery on Memorial Day weekend and lead the planting program the first weekend in June.  Maryanne has offered to help her pick out and purchase the plants.  City workers will have moved the whiskey barrels out of the shed and into position.  Ellen will issue purchase orders, and will also contact RCG for Mary Ellen re sponsoring AR to continue having their sign on the raised garden.

MBTA   -  Mary Ellen reports that we have authorization from the MBTA to conduct the Clean Sweeps on their property.  She will plant the urns sponsored by BCom, is planning to add a third one at the foot of the stairs.  Again Ellen will issue a purchase order so that she may buy the plants.  Mary Ellen has written to the MBTA urging them to incorporate green space in their design for the new garage and to install irrigation.

Public Art Project  -  Sam and Mary Ellen have decided to defer the bowsprit project to next year to give them time to make it a better project.  Groundwork will be done on it this fall, including determining costs, talking with artists and sponsors,  and bringing them on board.  We will purchase the one for BCom and Mary Ellen will think about how to embellish it to represent our committee.

New Business:

Misc. -  Ellen will work on the year-end reports; i.e., BCom 2009 activities and financials.  She will also check the website for event and island pictures and other items that seem to be missing.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 20th, at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully yours,
Sandra Power, Secretary pro tem